Bolsonaro at the UN

Leitura: < 1 min

Since I was young, I saw in the newspaper these people speaking at the UN.

I’ve seen Fidel, Margaret Thatcher, Obama, Lula, Chavez. 

There was always one thing at these UN meetings: backhanded complimenting the United States. Latin American countries have always stood up to the Americans. Africa, punctually, but Latin America was hate to rejoice. Africa beat up Europe more. 

So the progressive speeches were from the poorest countries. And the United States receiving a receipt for being a conservative, reactionary, persecutor, out of touch with reality. 

I’ve lived, 

no shit,

I lived to see the speech of the United States seem more progressive than the Brazilian one, for the first time in history. 

A 9-minute bullshit speech managed to be worse than Nixon belching reflux into the microphone.

Escritor e ativista social, nascido em Madureira, Rio de Janeiro. Em 2016 lançou Rio em Shamas, indicado ao Jabuti de 2017, pela Editora Objetiva. Foi roteirista na Rede Globo e Multishow/A Fábrica, colunista da Folha de São Paulo e Metrópoles.

somos a primeira voz
que você ouve pela manhã.
a última com você na cama.

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