Pixar and depression
Leitura: < 1 minI am depressed and I deal with depressed people. And if you want help, as a family member, to deal with someone who is depressed in your life, I would say
that depression is a child who gets distracted.
Imagine that a person in depression is sunk. In silence. Into the void, with their voices. It’s one thing to say good morning, another is to paint two little eyes on your hand, close it, make a little mouth and say good morning to that person, with a hand puppet.
Depressed people need curiosity, playfulness, we need to talk to the inner children in them.
A depressed person is a silent child. And when you wear color, smile, and be creative, it’s quite possible that this person will see you. And look at you wondering how you managed to see him. We are all children in need of someone to speak to us kindly.
Pixar is well aware of this. Pixar makes movies for people with depression. “Inside Out” is that even the heroine of the film is Sadness. UP’s hero is grandpa, a widower.
And heroes at Pixar aren’t the ones who win, they’re the ones who try.
It’s a daily struggle, but don’t see it as a pain. Picture yourself as a screenwriter, and your house as a Pixar set. Let’s take care of the depressed one, and if possible, laugh with him. But don’t give up.
This September, talk about depression, first of all.