Prologue About Whiteness
Leitura: 5 min
The world is changing. Some say – for the better, some say – for the worse. But what is the actual change? You turn around and you see everything as is, same-old, same-old! We just had a new iPhone announced, a prime asset of consumerism and planets destruction in the fight for resources, we are poised to travel because we have finally managed to vaccinate ourselves, work is coming back into offices… Life is good, no? We survived the worst…
This would be the white person’s view.
What nearly every white person fails to see, is the other side of this world, literally, any other person than a white one, will say the opposite is happening. And the darker the skin color, the worse it gets!
The global South – how I hate the geographical or any other distinction between haves and have-nots – another way of white people exceptionalism!
Anyway, in the global South (!&%#!), there are no vaccines for the black people of Africa, South America are ravaged by the Greek alphabet of coronas, while the most densely populated southeast Asia is generating that alphabet. But the important thing is that here in Europe we have it all figured out, how fucking smart we are! Must be the history, culture, our skin color…
This exceptionalism at work today is not something we see in the news really. And if we do, no one gives a fuck. Europe today is a bubble, it’s the best in everything. Or so we think…
The entire world sees what is happening and while we are thinking about our vacations, they are thinking about survival! It is two mindsets, one working itself into conformity, forgetfulness and passivity, and another seeking more, staying active and reaching for new heights! Guess twice who will come on top…
I am making a bit of a stupid comparison here. What do vacations and post-covid frenzy have to do with everything? Well, it is quite simple – it is another display of a slow decline of the white man. White people in general, actually.
We white people are cushioned, have it all set out for us, do not need to think about anything. We became mediocre. Unequivocally average, just thinking we are special because we retain some faint control over the world around us. But the cracks are everywhere. Hell, they are so big, the wind howls through them!
While we are busy being mediocre, we let women come on the stage as the new face of white people, fresh, beautiful, vibrant, liberal, woke, LGBTQIADKH… The mediocre white man would instill the white woman in the center, just to prolong his own rule.
But it is no more. You can feel how we gasp for breath. And it’s our own doing. Example: I almost hit the lady in the public transport today, here in the south of Sweden, because her dog was in my face! Yes, the bitch was carrying one! [Bitch is the woman, not the dog.] I wondered only this: where is your child though? And there, exactly there lies the mediocrity of white men; they don’t fuck. They can’t fuck. No white kids mean no future for white men. The aforementioned women did it though. They want to “lead”, they fight for the monopoly of the oppression that their male peers once had, they now despise maternity. Being a mom is terrible when one has to rule the world.
Little do they see their failure is in it! White people are so disconnected from the world that they do not even see this as something that can help them feel more grounded and in connection to other peoples of the world. White people will continue to be racist as long as they deny the basic biology! But the funny thing with it is the most liberal and wok and pro-LGBGJDUR women are those that won’t have a single kid in their lives.
Meanwhile, the struggle of the black woman is real! Despite the world wanting to kill her and her babies still in her wombs, along every step of her path, she strives not only to deliver her babies but raise them as well. She educates them on the world, listens to nature and people’s needs, heals and holds firm! The future is in her children! The next generation of black and brown babies will inherit the world. And it is stunning to feel the winds of the revolutions to come. We should hope (pray) to live long enough to see this stunning change takes place!
Black people have never enjoyed real power. That is a fact. They only had their values, their modest way of life. And an endless patience! Like when Dr. Martin Luther King said: “They say to me – be patient! We have been patient for a hundred years. Nowadays when I hear ‘be patient’, it almost always means ‘never’!”
This ‘never’ finally comes, Dr. King! It was not nurtured by any woke activism, as you are used to, but by a slow marching of time, and the indisputable mediocrity of white men.
But you know, being a white man myself, I do not feel sorry for it. White people deserve a much worse fate for how they damaged this world and the peoples in it! And we continue to do so, with our insolence! With our arrogance! Our consumerism! Our greed! Our exceptionalism! Our superiority! Supremacy! How disgusting!
The world is vibrant colors, and right now, white is staining it! We need to change! To reconcile with people around us. We need to educate our children to hate whiteness that skin color does not mean lesser abilities. We need to embrace black folk into our lives, into our souls! They are the Earth that gives us Life. When we choke them, we condemn them, and our world, to death!
The white world is collapsing! Maybe not in our lifetime, but surely shorter than the centuries of white man’s rule. It is collapsing because we deprive black people of their future, we deprive them of their right to live! White supremacy is at an end, and it will be cleansed from the world. The success and the rule of a black woman, the most disadvantaged, is at hand. And we all should learn from this change! The change that places white to be associated with your skin being pale, rather than you are being a person better than black folks…